Daily Schedule


Time ActivityWe are learning…
9:00Arrival &  Morning routineStudents do the morning routine as they arrive.  The routine is to put belongings away, say by to family, answer the question of the day, and start on table activity.
9:00Table TimeStudents sit at the table and do the activity on the table.  Student share learning various fine  motor, literacy, math, science or art concepts/skills. The activities are often connected to our theme.
9:25Calendar Music and Movement We review the Calendar, practice months of the year and days of the week. Music time is filled with songs, rhymes, and use of rhythm instruments.  Through music we not only use gross motor skills we also build and learn language skills, math concepts, and social skills.
9:45Circle Time 1We start with the message of the day to build literacy skills.  Then we read a story, play games or do a group activity that will focus on literacy concepts, including sight words for our Pre-K class. 
10:10CentersStudents pick a center they want to work in.  Students change centers as they wish. Our centers are art, blocks, library, pretend, and discovery (meaning various activities centered on literacy, math or science concepts).   New themed activities are added to each center every week.  Skills and concepts learned during centers are, fine motor, language and social skills.
10:15Small Group At some point during center time, students will work with the teacher in a smaller group to learn various literacy, or math concepts.  Groups change based on students’ ability, interest, or random selection.
Snack/ Bathroom
Students take turns providing the snack for all the students in the class. A snack bucket will come home with your child, and the snack schedule is posted at the beginning of each month.  No drinks need to be sent, water is served with each snack. 
10:50Wiggle TimeAs students finish their snack, they play with toys, or we go outside for some physical activity (weather permitting).
11:00Circle Time 2For circle time 2 we focus on math and science. We read a book, have a class discussion, and explore a certain topic often related to out theme.
11:15Group ActivityStudents may play a math game, do a science experiment, or write in journals. Students also participate in music activities related to math concepts (numbers, counting, shapes, colors).
11:30End of Class